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˂ 38 Willow

39 Five Flowers

Grafik Bachblueten-Shop  4 39 First Aid, Five Flower Remedy

Guiding principle:
Effective in most situations that create stress or anxiety.

Bild 39 Five Flowers
First Aid First Aid

The aims of this flower essence:
Ingredients: Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens

Cherry Plum (prunus cerasifera): Fear of losing control
Clematis (clematis vitalba): Inattention
Impatiens (impatiens glandulifera): Impatience and irritability
Rock Rose (helianthemum nummularium): Terror or panic
Star of Bethlehem (ornithogalum umbellatum): Shock

First Aid is a combination of five of the Bach flower essences. It soothes the stress and tensions of everyday life. The First Aid Essence get us back to normal. We can calmly deal with any situation like: after getting bad news, before an exam, when feeling tension, any time you loose balance mentally, stress, job interviews, emergencies.